Category: Blog
I’m a city rat, I eat cheese… video
This last Sunday, January 18, after a triumphant debut gig at Coconuts in Cocoa Beach, we got together at a colleague’s office to film a video as an entry for NPR’s Tiny Desk Concert contest. The folks at Tandem Productions did the shooting and editing, and we must say it’s a bang-up job! Hit them up…
Florida Today gets Tanga’d
A great introduction the new band and the evolution of our sound. Jump here> Florida Today
The Beachside Resident: Jan 15
Read our feature in The Beachside Resident, January 2015 “WE WERE SIX MUSICAL BROTHERS, THEN WE WERE FIVE.” That’s how musician Ian Koss pithily explains Brevard Busking Coalition’s metamorphosis into Oranga Tanga, a change that began slowly after founding member brYan Tilford passed away unexpectedly in early 2014. “As the survivors, we wanted to continue playing together,…