Think about it

[bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=434505745 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 track=2654621901]

(His Cheap Moves, lyrics: BBC)

Brown shoed fortuitous frame
Cool breeze on a sunny day
Absolutely friggin tumescent
Juxtaposed antidepressant, some say

Angelic strawberry cafe
Cheese steak and curry souffle
She said let it sit and fester
in sweaty polyester, ok?

Beach inclusive with the water and sand
Perfect cartwheel with immaculate hands
Treacherous trees impressing
Sure to get undressing, today

We need more questions
Way too many answers

Rhythm fluffy with a beautiful stroll
Melody with no chance for parole
Walking with a ramwong
for the chance to climb with King Kong, huzzah!

We need more questions
Way too many answers

Genetic denim and some alien love
Beaker reading through a kick and a shove
Everything cuatro veces
excellent and effervescent, hurray!

We need more questions
Way too many answers

Anthony: bongso, djembe, bvox
Cade: uke, bvox
db: bass, bvox
Jared: vox, shaker
Tom: drum kit