Ravana the Terrible

(T. Van Dyke, J. Campbell)

Ten headed egomaniac wearing black
Space man demon ripping siddhis up In bloodbaths
Ass drawn chariot the beasts of pain led
Rakshasa defilers with horrible ways

Ravana the terrible destroyer of worlds
Just caught sight of a beautiful girl
Mesmerized the demon heart at full stop
His lust beheld the mystic on that mountain top

He hid his ten heads deep inside
Opulently projected his might
A smile tucked away his crimes
His aim was her delight

A daughter of deep thoughts; an elegant soul.
Had innocent callings. Had beautiful goals
Had a heavenly body and a timeless mind
Her prayers were answered and always on time

Ravana approached her with despicable intent
He growled his love for her with or without her consent
His promised throne for her was beyond her loving ways
From his chariot asses to his iron fisted phase

He reached and touched her hair
Her pious temple now soiled and unmade
Leaving one choice she had to make
She chose to immolate

He let the body burn
Ravana the terrible
Her soul took flight

He let the body burn
Destroyer of worlds
She went to heavenly light

He left the body burn
Ravana the terrible
Ravana filled with rage

He let the body burn
Destroyer of worlds
As the body blazed

He let the body burn

Anthony: didge, percussion
Cade: guitar
db: drum kit, chimes, bvox
Jared: keys, drum pads, vox
Tom: bass